Tuesday, January 7, 2014

I'm so excited about this blog that I thought I should do a next post. It's vacation time for the both of us, even though his is finishing before mine is; which makes me really sad because that means I won't get to spend time with him and fool around as per usual like the two silly people we are! Also, we have been waking out really late at nights since the holidays began which isn't understandable because we've been dying for endless sleep during the past semester. What have we been up to? Well, I always have nothing to do! I end up watching videos, old re-runs of Friends and George Lopez, eat junk of course and message him on and off. What does he do? He plays video games! Since this blog is about him, this post is obviously centered around him. 
so this is my guy. isn't he a hunk of goodness :)
Moving on, he is literally obsessed with video games. But that's certainly not a problem for me! I absolutely loves the fact that he plays video games for a hobby. It makes him who he is, in my opinion. He likes to keep to himself, he is very reserved, calm and collected (unlike myself), he isn't lonely but he likes to be alone most of the time. He absolutely loves everything tech-centered and geeky, which speaks exactly to his personality. I honestly think that playing video games, as a main hobby for him, is one of the best things ever since he can be by himself and kill people all night long! What a better thing to do for him? Although he is very kind-hearted and caring, he is not a people-person, when I say this, I mean that he is always silent and never outspoken. Therefore, I think that playing games behind a screen is the most appropriate thing for him. Moreover, I am very happy that he engages himself in stuff like these rather than go out late at night and party like most guys out there these days. I told you he was amazing :) I absolutely think that video gaming is a HUGE turn-on and I definitely love to watch him behind a controller. I cannot wait until I get a job so that I can buy him so many gaming tools and consoles. 

I am definitely looking forward to playing games with him when we move in together and when we get married. 

who wouldn't want this?

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